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Discord had broken free from his stone imprisonment and now he could spread chaos once again. But once again he'll be thwarted by the elements of harmony so he came up with a backup plan, find someone else to cause chaos for him and what better creature is as naturally chaotic as him? Humans. Not one, not two, but four.

Chapters (8)

Diego had been living in Equestria for a little less than a month. Well, that's what it says in all the documents for the last six months. In any case, his life was quite peaceful. Surprisingly, when all his neighbors lose things, he only gets more of them. Well, it's just an accident, right?

However, any lie is revealed sooner or later. And today this day has come, the day when Luna personally came to Diego's house. The day when justice will prevail. Unfortunately, there are two problems for the princess.

First, she was sent to do this during the day, when she did not even sleep properly and did not drink at least a pool of coffee.

And secondly, Diego is ready for this meeting.

Chapters (1)

Humans currently poses an entire intergalactic empire, the aid of their brilliant technologies, and the fundamentals of dark energy have allowed them to succeed to a type three civilisation.
A human named Jack decides to buy a planet called “Harmony” on the intergalactic market. This planet holds residence to dozens of sapient species who all are primitive lifeforms.
He decides to transform into one of the native species, with his intention to cause as much havoc/chaos as possible. At the time of his arrival, most of the world hadn’t seen conflict for well over 1000 years. He plans to change this, by encouraging new ideologies, starting a technological black powder arms race, and ultimately causing wars.

He may look evil to the natives, though according to the intergalactic government, he is implementing nothing illegal. His planet means his rules.

May or may not include Communists

This story is set in Early Season Two, a few episodes after “Return of Harmony”. This is an alternate universe and thus Equestrian girls don't exist, humans are basically just a myth.

Prereader: crimson velvet
Constructive criticism is welcome.

This story is cancelled. I'm currently working on another one, with a similar setting/universe.

Chapters (31)

Rainbow Dash finds... something on her early morning flight over the Everfree Forest. She's not exactly sure what this something is, but she sure will make sure to not only keep him safe, but also away from anypony! She doesn't need the whole town freaking out about him!

After all, who would believe her story that a deformed ghost was wanting to burn down the whole Everfree Forest as retribution?

Chapters (2)

Dr. Nikolai dies in an accident while researching about wormholes, trying to turn back time despite it seeming impossible and ends up waking up in the Everfree forest in the body of a young pony, unaware of what he is.

His experiments on magic, his newfound interest attracts attention to himself despite his desire to remain hidden.

(The Art on the cover page is mine. Do not steal. You can ask and use if I agree.)

Chapters (14)

Twilight told her friends of her adventures in the Human world, but she didn't tell them everything. One dark secret haunts her still.

Hamburgers are delicious.

Chapters (2)

The club scene is about to meet its brightest new star, a new DJ by the name of DataBass. But when the club he's at meets a shooter, he sacrifices himself to take the gunman down.

He awakes in Equestria, having fallen from the sky. After getting nursed back to health by Twilight Sparkle, he finds something in the basement that grants him power he never thought he'd have. But this new strength catches the eye of the Alicorn Amulet's creators, and they're coming to take their magic back, and destroy Equestria in the process if they must.

It's time to have some fun!

Rated T for gore and 'Mature' humor, I guess. Also, bad language. Not Safe For Grandma. Unless your Grandma is the type of woman to watch Berserk and like it.

Chapters (4)

A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)

A modern mage teleports himself to Equestria in a magical mishap, where he somehow saves the world tries to continue to live his life. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a dismissed engineer makes plans to exact her revenge on the pony that stole her teacher from her. But how far down does the engineer's rabbit hole go?

Chapters (46)

James Alvera, age 18, former Brony, and currently living alone on the second floor of an apartment complex. His life started smoothly when his parents enrolled him in private elementary school; with good grades and lots of friends. Along the road were a few road bumps, but James always climbed back up. Well, all of that changed just as soon as he graduated high school. After the big ceremony and family celebration, he was unfortunate to hear the news from his parents at the dinner table. They would have to leave him for their workplace.

Saddened and dejected, he struggles to find a job and sits all alone in his apartment; remembering he has until summer vacation to find a job for his college fees. But that all changed when a strange letter offering a quick salary arrived at night.

Quick money for one simple task? how hard can it be?

Chapters (21)